Adobe updates sky replacement for Photoshop
Adobe has released the first major update to its powerful Sky Replacement feature in Photoshop, bringing with it the ability to import up to 5,000 skies at once and the addition of dozens of new sky options that can be installed over your image with the click of a button.

As we covered last year, Sky Replacement takes advantage of Adobe's AI 'Sensei' based technology and both masks and edit images while seamlessly replacing the sky. The new additions should help to enhance these capabilities even further.
Other updates to PS include a new Transform Warp with independent Bezier handles that will give people, like packaging designers, who need to stretch and bend images onto bottles, boxes and other, the ability to create 'previously-impossible' transformations. In addition, a new Discover panel in Photoshop will allow search for tools, menu items, and workflows, as well as hands-on tutorials.
Finally, Photoshop on iPad also sees a key update, with the Healing Brush and Magic Wand now available in the mobile version.
This newest version of Photoshop Beta will debut this month, with usewrs being invited to give feedback directly to the Photoshop team.
You can read about all the new additions at the Adobe blog.