Wacom has announced the upcoming release of two new digital tablets aimed at designers, illustrators and photographers. The Cintiq Pro 13 and Cintiq Pro 16 will feature full HD (1920x1080) and ultra HD (3840x2160) resolutions respectively.
Compatible with Macs and PC platforms, Wacom says the new tablets deliver vivid colours, with the 13-inch model covering 87 per cent of the Adobe RGB colour space while the16-inch covers 94 per cent.
Both models ship with Wacom's Pro Pen 2, which Wacom says is 'virtually lag-free' and delivers four times greater accuracy and pressure sensitivity than the previous Pro Pen.
Priced at $1,399 AUD, the Cintiq Pro 13 is expected to be available from mid-December while the Cintiq Pro 16 ($2,199 AUD) is expected to be available in February.