• (incomplete)

Hi Luke,

Getting a new camera, along with a new lens is always exciting, and most of us know (and love) that feeling. Of course, getting the camera is just the start of the photographic process. It's a bit like getting a brand new car; it looks great, smells great, is great... but the real adventure begins when you start going places with it.

With this photograph you have discovered the potential to make photos in low light. And that is good. What I would suggest next though, is that you look at what the next step of this journey is. Other than taking a new Zippo lighter out of its box and getting a photo of the flame, what is the next photo you can make with this Zippo and flame. What is going to be a photo that not only captures your attention, but captures an audience's attention?

Wondering what to try? Perhaps go back to the car analogy. Where do we want to go in a car? Well, usually it is to a place we have not been before. And that is where you need to start going with you camera. This is the start of an adventure.

Rather than just placing the Zippo on the floor and photographing it, how about getting someone to hold the Zippo up to their face? Or try getting the Zippo to illuminate a more intriguing background (Nazi gold or an old cemetery). Make a story, tell a story, but whatever you do, make it something that an audience is going to want to spend time exploring!



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