• In a Row
    In a Row

Hi Kara,

This is a very common sort of photograph for many photographers, simply because restaurants and function venues often want images like this to show potential clients what a venue might look like for them on the big night.

That being said, there is quite a challenge to making a table look good. There are usually three elements that go towards making any photograph look good: design, lighting and emotion.

Let's start with the design of your photograph; although I like the purple tablecloth, I think that the white cloth showing in the foreground along with the out-of-focus fork is distracting. The simple option here is to crop the image down to square.

As for the lighting, my guess is there was a very large window to the right of the picture. This is something you did not have a lot of control over, but as you get more experience and learn to play with lighting there is a chance that another day you might be to go back and use lights or candles to change the feel of the space.

Now, if you are good at lighting then chances are you can also change the mood of the photograph. The last element is emotion, and there isn't much to speak of here. The easiest way to add emotion to an image is to include people.

In the image below I've cropped the photograph to square and then, to help enhance purple, I have applied a mild HDR effect. 


Image Doctor's edited version

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