Hi Stephen,
As I occasionally mention, the aim of being a good photographer is not to show people the obvious, the things that they see every day and take for granted. The trick to being a good photographer is to see beyond the obvious, to see the inner beauty of an object, the details that most people would never notice or never stop to see.
This is a really simple photograph, but because you have photographed it in a rather ordinary way (i.e. we can still see the garden behind the dandelion) most people would look at the photograph for about half a second and then move on.
Here is the fun part though; if we remove the context from this object by eliminating the background, we can suddenly turn this dandelion into something magical. From a distance it could look like a star or a snowflake or who knows what people might imagine it to be.
The fact is, if you hung the photograph above in a gallery most people would walk past it. If you hang the photograph below in a gallery, people would probably stop and marvel at the structure and detail.
All that I have done to your photograph is crop it, paint over the garden using the brush tool set to black and then converted the image to black-and-white with a hint of blue tone.
Remember, your role as a photographer is to show people beyond the obvious!
Cheers, Anthony.
Image Doctor's edited version