• Setting Sun over Lewis Park
    Setting Sun over Lewis Park

Hi David, 

One of the old sayings in photography has always been the best camera for the job is the one you have in your hand…  Nowadays that's more likely to be the phone in your pocket. What's more, the latest phone cameras are now delivering photographs that are markedly better than some cheap point-and-shoot cameras used to deliver.

So, what can we do to improve this photograph?

The only concern I have is that this is a beautiful sky structure but in making the photograph you have cropped off the left of the cloud pattern. Ideally if you find yourself in a similar situation again I would not just make the one photograph but I would make several photograph to include the left, the centre and the right of the scene. Then when you get home you can stitch the photographs into a panorama.

The other option would be to get a compact Canon camera with a wider lens… the connectivity might not be as good as your Samsung but who needs a phone when you are looking at sunsets like this.



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