• The Beginning
    The Beginning

Hi Travis,

One of the challenges you have in making a photograph like those is dealing with the contrast… that expanse of brightness between the brightest highlights in the picture and the darkest shadows.

There are several tricks that you can apply when it comes to making a photograph like this. The first is to make the photograph just on dawn or dusk when there is still some light in the sky. At this time of the morning or evening you can see the lights of the building coming through; if you had not noticed, this is one of the most common techniques real estate photographers use to seduce us into buying a home.

Another useful technique for photographing such contrasty subjects is to use high dynamic range (HDR) photography. This involves making a range of photographs that different shutter speeds so that you can capture the highlights with one exposure and the shadow detail with another. (Adjusting the shutter speed is better than adjusting the aperture because that way you can maintain a constant depth-of-field). High dynamic range photography does require you to use special software to process the image, but it is affordable and readily available nowadays.

One other simple option is simply to use the flash unit to add some light to the tree above your head; that will also help add some interest to the sky.

Cheers, Anthony

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