• Untitled

Josh Bluntschli writes: "I am 13, and this is my dad. Every morning he wakes up early, and walks to the top of this hill near us. He then does all the stretches and stuff. This morning I woke up with him and walked to the top of the hill. The sun was just climbing over the horizon when I took this shot. I was pretty pleased with it and I'd appreciate any feedback."

This is an interesting shot, and I like the fact you have vignetted and burnt in the surrounding areas to draw attention to the hands. However, the technique and effect is a little rough, with too little much gradation. The hand has almost a white band across the knuckles and the wrists drop into hard shadow too quickly. The burning needs to be done more finely and gradually so that the hands don’t contrast too much with the darker background. You could also remove that 'blob' in the background which appears to sit on his right shoulder. But this is a very good start - well done!

- By Saima Morel

Saima's Tip: For good technique in Photoshop , start with the smallest settings and brushes, then build up gradually to get a finer, subtler effect.

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