• Vietnam Memorial
    Vietnam Memorial

Hi Peter,

Night photography can be extremely rewarding, in part because it really does present the world differently to how we see it in daylight. What might be presented in shadow can often be bathed in light, while distractions can instead fade into the shadows.

This photograph is not a bad starting point although my first consideration is that perhaps you have been a little too low with your point of view and perhaps too wide with the lens.

If you get the chance, have another go at making this photograph. This time though, come slightly to the left, move backwards a little bit and use less wide-angle. This will help to bring more attention to the central focus of the memorial.

Now, on its own this is a rather straightforward photograph, but given the chance I think you can add something more to it. I am uncertain how tall this particular graphic is but I think it would be interesting to see the person or persons silhouetted against this memorial in some way. I think that would create a sense of connection, which is the reason why we do create these memorials.

As I write this we are almost on top of the shortest day. Hopefully soon those Canberra nights will start getting milder again and you can get on with making some more night photos.

Cheers, Anthony.

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