• Photographers are encouraged to record and share their experiences on Tuesday 15 May 2012 as part of the "A Day in the World" project.
    Photographers are encouraged to record and share their experiences on Tuesday 15 May 2012 as part of the "A Day in the World" project.

One of the largest photographic projects ever is planned for Tuesday 15 May 2012. Intended to be the most exhaustive one-day snapshot of humankind ever taken “A Day in the World” will coordinate millions of photographers in every country on the planet.

The project challenges photographers of all levels – amateur and professional – to contribute up to ten photos recording their experiences on 15 May and upload their images to the website ADay.org.

The brainchild of non-profit organisation Expressions of Kindness, the goal is to create the biggest searchable picture archive of its type in the world.

The most striking photos will be used in a simultaneously staged global exhibition in October 2012, and feature in a book entitled A Day In The World, which will be published in November 2012.

High profile participants in the project include Archbishop Desmond Tutu  (who sits on the Global Advisory Board for Aday.org), Sir Richard Branson and astronaut Andre Kuipers, who is currently on the International Space Station 300km above the Earth’s surface.

Participants will retain the copyright to their images.

To get involved, register your interest at www.aday.org before 15 May. All images must be taken on May 15 and uploaded within 5 days.

More info: www.aday.org

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