The Australian Centre for Photography is running a two-day Digital Photography Basics course in Sydney in November.
A course in basic digital photography by the Australian Centre for Photography will run over two days on November 11 and 12. The two three-hour lessons, run by tutors Wolf-Symeonides and Geoff McGeachin, will outline the fundamentals in creating digital images.
The classes will be taught at Saxons Training Facilities in central Sydney. The workshop will introduces participants to the creative functions of their camera whilst providing a basic knowledge of digital photography. Participants will learn best practice for shooting and what is required to achieve the best exposures.
The first class focuses on the main functions of a digital camera - aperture, shutter speed and ISO, and their control over creative output. In the final class participants will put their new skills and techniques to the test with an hour of practical time. Questions from the previous lessons will also be answered while shooting.
This course is for beginners and is available to those who have access to a DSLR or a Compact System Camera. The course costs $250, or $225 with concession (applied at checkout for those with a valid concession card). The organisers advise early enrolment and participants should bring their own SLR or Compact System Camera.
The courses are scheduled for the evenings of November 11 and 12, running from 6pm until 9pm. For more information contact ACP on Ph:(02) 9332 0555 or