AP's free monthly photo comp Jan 2025 - Weather - The winners!

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We're delighted to announce the winners of our free monthly photo comp for January 2025, with the theme of 'Weather'.

Our judge's pick went to Simone Slater, for her image Golden Mist. The weather, we reckon, is just about as good as gets for a landscape shot.

Simone Slater, Golden mist
Simone Slater, Golden mist

"Simone's image has lovely light, and a really clean, simple composition that brings out the best of the subject. The steam rising off the water gives a lovely atmosphere and the tones are neatly exposed," says AP's Mike O'Connor.

Simone wins a 12-month print subscription to either AP or Capture magazine for winning the monthly comp.

We also chose two special mentions, Robert Sutton's Fresh snow and Ankit Sinha's Inversion.

Robert Sutton, Fresh snow
Robert Sutton, Fresh snow
Ankit Sinha, Inversion
Ankit Sinha, Inversion

Over on Facebook, the votes poured in, with Gail Donald ultimately proving triumphant with more than 350 votes for her image Stormy seas.

Gail Donald, Stormy seas
Gail Donald, Stormy seas

Gail takes home a 12-month digital subscription to either AP or Capture for winning the monthly comp.

If you'd like to enter our free monthly photo comp, the theme is Lines, shapes and patterns, and it's open now. You can enter here. 


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