
Everybody loves shooting landscapes, and in the December issue of Australian Photography we offer a detailed outline on how you can get to the pristine areas of our country most people find it challenging to reach.

Our photo trekking special outlines a range of important tips for enthusiasts who want to find new and untouched photography locations. Our specialist outdoors writer Michael Snedic takes on the Overland Track in central Tasmania. He explains how to prepare your gear (both camping and photographic) for a multi-day trek, while the editor of our sister publication Great Walks magazine lists 10 other top Australian treks for photographers.

For gear enthusiasts, technical writer Peter Burian looks at the range of multi-purpose zoom lenses currently on the market and details why they can be a great option for shooters looking for a cost-effective lens which covers a wide range of focal lengths, and Andrew Smallman runs through a list of simple tips you can use to test the optical effectiveness of your lens without being confused by technical jargon – which by the way he also explains!

As well, we have published our annual Christmas Gift Guide, which is an ideal starter for those of you looking for neat gifts for the photographer in the family, and editor Robert Keeley explores Victoria’s western-most ranges, the Grampians, and discovers why they should be on the “to do” list for every enthusiast photographer interested in both wildlife and spectacular scenery.
Make sure you check out Australian Photography’s December issue – at $7.25 it’s the best value, most in-depth photography advice you’ll find this summer.

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