Corrugated Cathedrals passion project showcases Australian farming life
Photographer James Russell has been working on a passion project he calls Corrugated Cathedrals, in which he has captured monochrome images of a series of shearing sheds, and is seeking crowdfunding to produce a book on the project.

The series of images documents many facets of the shearing process, from quieter moments where the sheep are in the paddock, to the moments when action is in full-swing like when the wool is being clipped.

Russell suggests that together the images “tell a story of back breaking hard work completed through finely tuned team work,” explaining that the message underscoring the series gives us insight into “what holds us together: Aussie mateship and having a laugh as people roll up their sleeves together for a common purpose.”

Now that the series is complete, he would like to transform the series into a hardcover photo book that celebrates the Australian Merino Wool industry and the hardworking people that keep it going.
Proposed to feature approximately 70 of his images, you can help him realise his goal by having a look at his Pozible Campaign for the project here.

To support the campaign and pre-order books, just follow the link to the campaign and make a pledge. If you don’t have any spare cash, consider sharing the campaign link to your socials or among your friendship circle with the hashtag #corrugatedcathedrals
The campaign closes on the 27th of June at 10pm.