• Jackie Dean's winning entry in the 2011 International Loupe Awards. "I’d finished my shoot and I noticed this beautiful bird. I waited for the right moment to present itself and she walked to the end of the bough, opened her wings and just seemed to pose for me – I knew it was going to be a good shot."
    Jackie Dean's winning entry in the 2011 International Loupe Awards. "I’d finished my shoot and I noticed this beautiful bird. I waited for the right moment to present itself and she walked to the end of the bough, opened her wings and just seemed to pose for me – I knew it was going to be a good shot."

Sydney professional photographer, Jackie Dean has taken out the top award at the 2011 International Loupe Awards, winning US$20,000 in prize money.

Dean’s stunning black-and-white image of a Darter bird, photographed at Dora Creek, NSW, was in competition with around 5000 other images, with professional photographers from 95 countries entering the annual competition.

"I was speechless when the organisers rang to tell me I had won. I am incredibly grateful and humbled to have won, particularly as the standard of work from my fellow photographers was so high – thank you Loupe awards!" said Dean.

Jackie photographed the Darter bird while on an architectural assignment.

"I’d finished my shoot and I noticed this beautiful bird. I waited for the right moment to present itself and she walked to the end of the bough, opened her wings and just seemed to pose for me – I knew it was going to be a good shot."

The image has minimal post-production effects, using only what could be applied in a traditional darkroom set up.

"I absolutely love what I do – photography enriches my life and it makes us all more aware of the amazing world in which we live," she said.

Jackie Dean Main
Darter Bird, Dora Creek, NSW. Photo by Jackie Dean.

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