Magnum launches latest Square Print sale

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Magnum Photos has launched its latest square print sale, this time in partnership with The Photo Society.

Running until October 27, Eden explores the miraculous beauty of our planet’s landscapes, ecosystems, and people, while emphasizing the urgent need to protect them from an existential threat: humankind.


Magnum typically runs print sales a few times a year, giving members of the public access to the work of some of the most recognised photographers in history. 

This time, over 120 images, hand-picked by the photographers themselves, will be available to purchase as limited-edition 6 x 6” prints during the online sale.

TRENT PARKE / Magnum Photos
TRENT PARKE / Magnum Photos

Photographers included this time include Steve McCurry, Trent Parke, Karine Aigner, Thomas Peschak, Cristina De Middel and more. 

The Photo Society was founded in 2011 as an organised community of documentary photographers who have contributed to National Geographic

THOMAS PESCHAK / The Photo Society
THOMAS PESCHAK / The Photo Society

From rainforests to concrete jungles and everywhere in between, the collection captures not only a diverse range of places, but also a vibrant spectrum of thematic interpretations, according to Magnum. 

"Some images feel dark and dystopian, others humorous, ironic, and even counterintuitive, and yet, others still offer a deeply rooted, hopeful vision for the survival and resilience of an ailing people and planet," the collective says. 

KARINE AIGNER / The Photo Society
KARINE AIGNER / The Photo Society

“Eden, some say, was a garden where the first humans lived in harmony with an environment designed to help them thrive. If that story is true, we’ve done a poor job keeping the garden tidy, rich, and clean. Whether you believe the story or not, it certainly didn’t predict that our flourishing as a species would come at the cost of exhausting the world’s resources,” writes Cristina de Middel, Magnum president.

"My hope is that the collection we’ve curated will serve as a reminder, subtle or stark, of what’s truly at stake.”

Each image comes as a limited-edition 6x6" print, and is priced at $110 USD ($173 AUD).

You can see all the prints in the collection at the Magnum website. 

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