Rob Gray spends his time exploring and photographing Australia. Born in 1954, he has working as a darkroom technician in London and Canberra, a commercial photographer in Perth, a stock photographer for Globe Photos, New York, and a newspaper photographer in Grafton.
Turning to large-format landscapes in the mid-90s Rob exhibited, ran workshops, and sold prints from his small gallery in Canberra until the year 2000 when he and his wife Chris left their jobs, closed the gallery, sold most of their possessions, and started a life on the road in Australia's largest and weirdest off-road motor home.
In 2004 Rob retired the large-format camera and switched to digital, this also signalled a return to his first photographic love, wildlife and nature photography. He keeps his large-format landscape principles alive by shooting multi-image panoramas, a process similar to using a large-format camera.
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