
The September issue of Australian Photography + Digital is packed with news, competitions, photo tips, image-editing tutorials, camera tests and photographer profiles.

In the second issue of the merged magazine Peter Burian shares 11 great camera tips to help you shoot better images, while Rob Keeley talks to news photographer Bruce Postle about his 27 years recording the daily tragedies, celebrations and oddities of life. Postle shot an extraordinary collection of images through his working life covering everything from demonstrations to rock concerts (including going on stage with the Rolling Stones!) and says he never went to any job thinking it was simply routine. He explains the techniques he used to capture his own 'decisive moments'.

The September issue also features a great new step-by-step project from imaging guru Mark Galer. Mark demonstrates a typical Raw editing workflow, covering everything from white balance to lens corrections and localised tonal changes. Many amateurs shoot in JPEG format, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, when you decide to take your photography to the next level, Raw offers much more creative potential. Mark gets into the gritty details of how to use this powerful format to its maximum effect.

Award-winning photographer Mike Langford shares the story behind a remarkable photo that was taken on a train ride across eastern Myanmar and we publish the winner and a selection of the best photos from our "On the Road" photo competition.

Also in this issue Anthony McKee explains why the launch of the Nikon D800, with its massive 36-megapixel sensor, will change the way we shoot, and Prashphutita Greco and Robert Keeley share some useful tips for photographing events.

The September issue of Australian Photography + Digital – out now at good newsagents or subscribe here.







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