You can crowdsource a Lego Leica M6
Earlier this year we wrote about a pretty cool Lego Ansel Adams set that was being crowdsourced through Lego's Ideas platform, and a random scrolling over the weekend just showed up another sweet looking project - a Lego version of the legendary Leica M6.
Created by user ChiefHilariousRaisin100, the model takes a version of the camera first introduced by Leica Camera AG in 1984, and gives it a Lego twist with two films and a Leica Summicron Coll.2/5 Cm SOOIC lens.
Today the M6 remains highly regarded by photographers and collectors, making it one of the more expensive second hand film Leica's on the used market, with good models selling for upwards of $2,000.
This particular Lego model has a lot more work to do than the Ansel Adams set to reach production however. It hit 100 supporters within the first 60 days, with Lego rewarding it with a one-year boost to give it time to reach 1,000 supporters. The Adams set by comparison hit 10,000 supporters and is currently in the review stage, which means it may enter production.
The pitch for votes comes at the same time as Lego US officially confirmed it will launch a nifty 'retro camera set' just after Christmas, although there's no word if that particular set will make it downunder.
You can check out the M6 for yourself here.