Video: How to replicate golden hour in a studio

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One of the great things about learning studio lighting is it allows you to replicate just about any natural light you get in the 'real' world - golden hour included!

In this deep, detailed Adorama video, Ab Sesay shares his process of recreating the golden hour with a studio flash.

There's a few steps to get there, and you'll also need to keep front-of-mind the characteristics that golden light is known for - low angle light, and a warm colour temperature around 3200-2700K.

Combine this with 'soft' lighting, so that the light isn't too harsh and unnatural, and a warming gel added to the main light to help create a warm gradient at the bottom of the frame, and you can simulate the sun just above the horizon.

From start to finish, this is a great tutorial for creating a quite convincing version of sunset at home - although you'll need a bit of space and at least a couple of lights for the best results.

If you want to learn more, we highly recommend the Adorama videos as they're well-explained, to the point, and full of useful information. See more of them here. 

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