Video: Lightroom's AI Remove Tool: How to get the best from it

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It's one of the headline new tools in the latest version of Lightroom, but the AI remove tool is not without its quirks, as you'll discover in this really helpful video by Anthony Morganti.

What's most useful about Morghenti's video is how he uses different settings for different fixes.

Take for example when removing water and dust spots, he suggests turning off generative AI and object aware. This makes the tool function as it did before the update, by using pixels from the surrounding area to replace the unwanted spots. This method is still the best option for minor corrections. 

When dealing with more complex edits, such as removing a person from a photo, the approach changes, and this is where the AI powered tools come into their own, as they're capable of creating much more realistic replacements than they're non AI powered options. 

One of the areas where the AI powered tools struggle (at least in our experience) is with removing people shaped objects, as they have a habt of replacing the person's shape with another weird artifacted person.

Morganti's approach is to adjust the masking technique to overcome this. By using a rectangular mask instead, the AI is prompted to fill in with more appropriate elements from the background. This technique delivers more consistent results and avoids some of the odd replacements that can occur with the object-shaped masks.

Ultimately we're still dealing with software with its share of unusual outcomes, so being flexible with your approach is crucial, and this video should arm you pretty well for tackling edits with your images. 

Cover image: Mike O'Connor

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