Levin Barrett, And a Sprinkle of Star Dust (SINGLE SHOT 2024)

Taken on the memorable night of May 11 2024, the Aurora exploded world wide into one of the best displays in decades. Once I saw the alerts, I drove 3 hours to the Great Ocean Road and made it just in time. This is a panorama of 3 rows of six images shot in portrait orientation. Denoised and manually assembled in PTGUI. Enhanced in Photoshop and Lightroom. All up about 8 hours of processing. It wasn't until I assembled the panorama that I realised just how unique this image is as I managed to capture the milky way arch perfectly above the aurora arch. This is completely natural with no image alignment and all captured in the same panorama sequence. I felt like it was natures gift to me that night.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.