ANDY KO, Australian White ibis (Wildlife and Animal 2019)
Native Australian White ibis -On a strong windy day, this white ibis was almost blown into the water. It was extremely close to the water surface and it flew hard to fight the wind. -A juvenile trying to catch aquatic invertebrates in the water. They are also known as 'the farmers' friend'. They got this name by flocking into areas afflicted by plagues of locusts and started to feast on them. -Under attack by a hawk, the white ibises lift off from the tree together and fly into the sky. Their aim is to use their numbers to confuse the hawk and stop its attack. They fly in a big circle in the sky until the hawk goes away. -Soaring high in the sky, the white ibis shows itself as a magnificent flying machine. It has beautiful white feathers and is displayed perfectly in the sky.

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