Sandra Ashley, Misty Reflections (Single Shot 2021)
I took this image whilst on a morning walk at Lake Eppalock in Victoria, something my partner I do whenever we stay at our caravan located there. I always have my camera with me, usually to photograph the birds, but if the sunrise is special I'll capture that too. This was a particularly chilly winters morning with mostly clear skies and the promise of sunshine. As I neared this section of the lake I decided to wait for the sun to break the horizon and capture the moment. What I wasn't expecting was a thick fog that slowly rolled in across the water and I took a series of images as the scene before me changed dramatically. We stood there in complete silence and total awe at what we were witnessing and being the only two people there made it even more amazing. As the rising sun tired to break through the mist it created the most magical and serene sight, with the trees reflecting on the gently rippling water. A sight I'm sure I'll never see again.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.