Peter Morton, Reflections (Single Shot 2021)

This picture has many layers. The local hairdresser was taking advantage of the lengthy Covid closedown to renovate his small corner business. I was initially drawn to the reflections on the glass window in front of me and then to reflections in the large mirror on the side wall inside the shop, which showed not only items in the shop but images from the street behind. The woman in this picture is actually on the road behind the photographer but is seemingly superimposed onto the painters drop cloth over the front desk in front of the large front shop window. I waited for her to enter the frame to take the picture. All the visible yellow pedestrians walk signs are actually reflected on the window and are on the main road behind the woman. The sundry items at the bottom right of the frame are all in the shop where they appear. There is no “magic photoshopping” or double exposures here – it is simply all about light and angles of view.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.