Melanie Hinds, Tribal birth, women retuning for safe and culturally respectful births (PEOPLE 2024)

Women bypass major hospitals to give birth at the Tribal Hospital in Sittilingi Valley, India. They provide a culturally respectful birthing environment where traditional practices and holistic care are paramount. At Sittilingi's Tribal Hospital, women find a sanctuary that honors their cultural heritage and provides a nurturing space for childbirth. The hospital's commitment to pre and postnatal care, combined with its holistic approach to birthing, has led to an impressive C-section rate of just 4%. These images, witness the strength, resilience, and cultural pride of these mothers as they embrace a birthing experience that respects their traditions and prioritizes their well-being. A community that values both modern medical advancements and time-honored practices, offering a unique and empowering perspective on childbirth.

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