Originally from Bayeux in Normandy, France, photographer Réhahn has lived in Hoi An, Vietnam since 2011. We sat down for a chat with the portrait maestro to find out about how he captures his powerful people shots. Read more
Panoramic landscape photographer Mark Gray began his working life as a web designer, but after a near-death experience he developed a passion for shooting landscapes.
Eugene Tan turned his love of photography and the ocean into a job that most photographers would kill for.
From a farm in Western Australia to the darkroom of an Australian photographic icon, the career of photographer Jill Crossley has been remarkably diverse.
Peter Solness talks to Robert Keeley about his career, his approach to photography, and the techniques he uses to create his breathtaking nocturnal landscapes.
Photographer Chris Round is exhibiting a selection of images from various series which show the man-made environment.
From design school in the UK to the set of Australia's Next Top Model and beyond, Jez Smith talks to Fran Molloy about his unorthodox photographic journey.
In her latest exhibition, Ella Dreyfus uses black and white portraits to explore the transition from childhood to adulthood.
Paul Blackmore has travelled to 14 countries over the past 11 years documenting mankind's relationship with the world's most precious resource, water.
Sydney-based shooter Sean Izzard has drawn widespread acclaim for his advertising and personal photography projects. He speaks to Mark Gafen about his career and his approach to photography.
Photographer Michael Corridore's new series of images sets out to explore car culture and its influence on us.
Award-winning Australian photographer Adam Taylor became passionate about photography when he was 15, convincing his family to turn its storage cellar into a darkroom.
John McDermott has made a name for himself with his moody monochrome photos of Cambodia's beautiful Angkor temples.
Michael Haylen took the long way round to a career in photography. He talks about his mysterious water images.
Artist and photographer Julie Williams captures vast abstract landscapes in the flowing waters of the River Lett in the Hartley Valley, between Lithgow and the Blue Mountains in New South Wales.
Landscape photographer Josh Holko travels all over the world in pursuit of the perfect landscape. He talks to Marc Gafen about what may well be the best job in photography.
Mark Munro's luck was up when he came across a derelict factory that was about to be knocked down.