image doctor

In-camera effects can get the creative juices flowing... but it does not guarantee you a lot of options.

Print this image big... put it in the hallway and tell everyone your an astronomical photographer now!

Sometimes all a photo needs is a little extra height... here is how I do it!

Being clear in what you want to say is just as important in photography as it is in writing... honest!

Getting the exposure right is more than just relying on the camera's light meter to give you the right answers... sometimes you need to add or subtract some light to suit the scene.

Getting good at macro photography is all about establishing good technique...

Most cameras have a 2:3 aspect ratio – that doesn't mean you have to use it for every picture!

Sometimes you need to have a sky, just for the sake or silhouetting a skyline...

Great photographs are made when we start to looking beyond reality and start looking inwards at our feelings.

Chaos... photography needs more chaos... honest.

All the detail in the foreground and top of this image is taking our eye away from the bridge... so let's go soft!

Image Doctor: MX

Adding drama to motor-sport photographs usually involves some creative thinking...

If you want to be a real documentary photographer then you need to discover the story in every image.

Don't be scared to make a little move... it can make a big difference to a photo.

Empty space if often useless space... ask yourself if you really need it.

It is not often that I send people off to look at new equipment, but this is one of those rare instances.